Getting older is a blessing, and I planned to celebrate 48 years of life by spending 30 days cranking up my fitness program in 2021. I was already doing bootcamp and walking about eight miles a day. I thought getting back into long runs, and cleaner eating would kickstart my fine-in-my-forties journey. What I didn't bank on was fibroids-in-my-forties wouldn't let me be great. The day before my running regimen began, I was weak, doubled over, and feeling like I was having contractions. I ended up in the emergency room a few days after my stubborn refusal to seek medical attention got me nowhere but in bed. The fibroids were no surprise. The doctor discovered them when I was in my twenties. Over the years, they've increased and decreased in number and size but were mostly under control until recently. So these fibroids decided to be disrespectful and increase in size and pain just before my birthday. Aunt Flo visited every two weeks, and my low-iron was now straight-up anemia. So instead of fine time, it was a fibroid fight back.
I removed all meat from my diet for 60 days, increased my iron-rich food intake, and started a different journey. They say we make plans, and God laughs. I didn't plan to give up meat during barbecue season. For those who follow me, I'm a lightweight grillmaster. So I'll have to grill veggies and portobello mushrooms until the 60 days are over. Even when the 60 days are up, I think I will eliminate some foods from my diet, especially those that feed fibroids. So my occasional morning coffee is now decaf. I eat fruits and veggies with lots of lentils, greens and spinach. I've also incorporated more almonds, walnuts and blueberries. It's nice to know I'm not on this journey alone. A few of my community friends have joined me. I post a few plates on Instagram @kdbryantwrites. Follow along on the journey and comment on how clean eating has impacted your fibroids, good or bad.