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  • Writer's pictureKD Bryant

Ain't Nuthin But a G-Thang Baby: Grace, Grit & Gratitude

Can y'all believe 2022 is almost over? Man, it went by fast and took my crew and me on exciting curves and detours in this life journey. First off, I missed you. I've been slack this year on the blogging and podcasting front but for some good reasons. One, I got married. Two, I started a new role at a new company after nine years at my previous gig. Three, I launched an apparel company. Four, my oldest entered high school and joined the marching band, while my youngest has been working on his basketball skills. I've spent a lot of time from the gridiron to the courts and gym. I've experienced a good share of heartache among that goodness, from unexpected loss to dealing with the trials that life brings. I know I'm not unique. We're all going through something. When I say, I'm at a place of peace and happiness as I type this blog and it's only because of grace, grit and gratitude.

Grace is always a welcomed friend in our household. If you knew how many medical scares, test results and emotional challenges that could have easily taken us down a different path, we recognize when grace is in the place.

I don't know if we're born with a certain amount of grit, and it's up to us to handle the trials to increase the grit, or if it's always in abundance and it's up to us how much we withdraw at any given time. Whatever it is, I'm glad I had enough to get through some challenges. Challenges aren't always bad things. One of my greatest challenges has been accepting an amazing career opportunity that removed me from the technology industry just when I had it close to being figured out. LOL. Add that to planning a wedding and navigating life, and grit becomes the word of the day.

That leads me to the best G-words in my world - gratitude. I'm so thankful for this next chapter in our lives. This is my second marriage and the second one for my hubs. We're a bit seasoned and the parents to adults and teens - yep, it's fun times in our household. We married on 11.11.22. I'll have to blog about that next. There's something magical about that second-time-around love (in my Shalamar voice). Beyond marriage, I'm grateful for families and friends who have prayed for this moment and walked with me through some difficult times. I'm thankful for every moment, even our hard ones.

Grace sustained us; grit maintained us, and gratitude remains in us. This 2022 has been nuthin' but a G-thang, baby, and I can't wait to see what's in store. I hope the same for you, friends. I hope you have found that you're stronger than you thought, and even when you've been weak, I hope you've had an inner strength and an outer village to hold you down.

Cheer to the three G's!

In the photo: That's me rocking one of my favorite shirts from my newly launched Niche Girl Apparel line.

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