I gave myself a swift kick in the pants tonight. To be honest, there are often days when a kick in the pants is warranted. I'm one of those writers who sometimes fall in the trap of writing when they have time. Guess what? If I keep living this way, I'll never have time. Between the kiddos, work, the household, volunteering, working out and creating mischief with my wee ones, time doesn't have time.
Therefore, I declare today the moment I made time. We do what's important; prioritize people and things that mean something to us and schedule our days around activities that require our attention. It's no secret that writing is my long-lost neglected boo - always hanging around in a nightstand, strewn throughout journals or tucked away in saved files. I know I have to do better. There are books, scripts, poetry and songs to write, all I have to do is select a place to reconnect with my boo. Tonight, it was the saved files locale that ushered me back into my passion. Perhaps tomorrow we'll uncover something interesting in this nightstand drawer. My writing is everywhere, awaiting attention, edits and rewrites. All I had to do was pick her up and get to work.