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Death Can Also Be a Healing

KD Bryant

I've always cherished that I was my dad's Father's Day gift because my birthday falls just a few days before Dads' Day. I loved spending time in front of the card section in search of the perfect card. This is no rush job. I've taken as long as 45 minutes before making my selection. The words had to be just right and it didn't matter how long I took. This year, I celebrated my birthday on Friday, and for the first time this Sunday, there won't be any Father's Day cards or gifts to give to my dad. Dad won his earthly battle against cancer just a few months ago. It still stings, especially today. I remember calling on my prayer warriors to pray for a full and complete healing. I stormed the throne for months crying out for dad to be healed. Over time I'm accepted that God answered our prayers. Death can be a healing. It's not our first option on the prayer list for sure. In fact, it is likely never on the list but God's grace and perspective aren't like our earthly perspectives. My dad was a warrior and never let on how much his body was worn down or how tired he was. He fought to stay with us until the very last breath. That was dad. Fighting for our comfort even if his comfort and health were in peril. That's what I cherish today. I was blessed to have my father for more than 45 years of my life. I now know there is a blessing in the healing, even if the healing isn't what we prayed for or expected. Happy Father's Day, my friends. I miss my earthly father, but I know my Heavenly Father has enough grace to keep me focused on things eternal. If your loved ones are no longer physically with you, may you experience that same grace and peace. ❤

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